A Government Career Is a Federal Employee’s Greatest Asset
Shehan Legal serves federal employees, supervisors, and senior executives across agencies nationwide by protecting their unique workplace rights and preserving their greatest asset — their government career.
Serving Our Federal Civil Service™
Disciplinary Actions
You received a Notice of Proposed Discipline. It misstates what happened, overstates the severity of it, or both. In a system of progressive discipline, you need to fight back and protect your federal career. Shehan Legal can handle your written and oral replies.
EEO Claims
You’re facing discrimination, harassment, or retaliation at work. Perhaps you’ve been denied a reasonable accommodation. When you need to make an EEO claim, Shehan Legal can initiate contact with an EEO counselor or file a formal EEO complaint on your behalf.
Adverse Action Appeals to the MSPB
You've been removed from federal service, demoted in grade or pay, suspended for greater than 14 days, or furloughed for 30 days or less by your employing agency. Or you received an adverse decision from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) relating to your suitability for federal service. You’ve received notice of your right to appeal the to the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB). When your federal career is on the line you need to protect your greatest asset. Shehan Legal can handle your MSPB appeal to challenge the adverse action.
EEOC Hearings
You were discriminated or retaliated against or harassed. You received a Report of Investigation (ROI) and a Notice of Right to Request a Hearing before an Administrative Judge of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Shehan Legal can prepare your hearing request and take your case forward.
Whistleblowing and Retaliation
You witnessed wrongdoing at your agency — such as a violation of law, rule or regulation, abuse of authority, gross mismanagement or gross waste of funds, or actions that create a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety. And you need to blow the whistle. Or you already did and you’re being retaliated against. Shehan Legal can handle your Office of Special Counsel (OSC) and Office of Inspector General (OIG) disclosures and complaints.
“Schedule F” Type Reclassifications
Your position in the competitive service was reclassified to an excepted service position. Or your excepted service position was moved from one schedule classification to another. The reclassification was involuntary and removes any previously accrued civil service status and protections. In other words, you’ve been subjected to a “Schedule F” type reclassification. You’ve received notice of your right to appeal to the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB). Shehan Legal can handle your MSPB appeal to challenge the reclassification.
Reductions-in-Force (RIF)
You were separated, downgraded, or furloughed more than 30 days through a reduction in force (RIF). You’re concerned that proper procedures were not followed or that improper criteria were used to select you for the RIF. Perhaps you were the victim of discrimination or retaliation leading to your inclusion in the RIF. You’ve received notice of your right to appeal to the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB). Shehan Legal can handle your MSPB appeal to challenge your inclusion in the RIF.
Reasonable Accommodations
You’re disabled and need a reasonable accommodation to do your job. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act require that federal agencies provide disabled employees with the reasonable accommodations they need at work. Shehan Legal can handle your reasonable accommodation needs.
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
You or a family member are sick with a serious health condition, or you’ve welcomed a new child into your home, and you need leave from work. But you’re concerned about your job and your medical coverage. Federal employees who have been employed for at least 12 months and have worked at least 1,250 hours are covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which provides up to 12 weeks of job-protected leave and requires the continuation of existing medical coverage. Shehan Legal can handle your FMLA needs.
Trouble at Work
There's trouble at work and you can’t afford to let it continue. Whatever form trouble takes, Shehan Legal can let you know your options, guide you through the process, and if needed demand that your employing agency make things right.
Answering Your Questions
Whether you know there's a problem at work, or you're just not sure, Shehan Legal is here to answer your questions.